Team 團隊

Principle Investigator 實驗室主持人

Phone: +886-2-33665331

電話: (02) 33665331

Prof. Ta-Te Lin 林達德 教授

Prof. Ta-Te Lin received the B.S. degree in Agricultural Engineering from National Taiwan University, Taiwan, R.O.C. in 1981, and the MS and Ph.D. degree from Cornell University in 1985 and 1989, respectively. He has been on the faculty of National Taiwan University since 1989, and he is currently Distinguished Professor of the Department of Biomechatronics Engineering, National Taiwan University. His research interests include agricultural automation, digital image processing and machine vision, mathematical modeling of biological systems, biorobotics, and mechatronics. He is a member of several international societies including the ASABE, the IEEE Computer Society, and the Society for Cryobiology. Domestically, he is members of the Taiwan Institute of Biomechatronics, Chinese Institute of Agricultural Machinery, and Taiwan Agricultural Information Technology Association. Prof. Lin has received numerous recognitions for his outstanding performance in teaching and research. He received twice the distinguished teaching award from National Taiwan University in 1999 and 2007. He was elected as one of the Ten Outstanding Agriculturist by the Kiwanis Internationals, Taiwan District in 2013. For his devotion in promoting agricultural automation in Taiwan, he received the Outstanding Agricultural Professionals Award from the Council of Agriculture in 2014. Prof. Lin has authored or co-authored more than 400 journal and conference papers, and granted more than 20 patents.

林達德教授現任職國立臺灣大學生物機電工程學系教授,為臺灣大學農工系機械組學士、美國康乃爾大學農業暨生物工程碩士、博士。1989年起任職於國立臺灣大學,曾先後擔任學務處生活輔導組主任、新竹生物醫學園區籌備處綜合業務組組長、生物產業機電工程學系主任、生物資源暨農學院副院長、秘書室主任秘書、副校長等職務。2008年獲聘為臺灣大學終身職特聘教授。曾分別榮獲2005年中華農機學會學術成就獎、1999與2007年國立臺灣大學傑出教學獎、2009年臺大優良導師獎、2012年全國十大傑出農業專家、以及2014行政院農業委員會優秀農業人員獎。林教授為美國ASABE、IEEE、Society for Cryobiology等國際學會會員、並曾擔任國內農業機械學會、臺灣農業資訊協會常務理事、臺灣生物機電學會理事長。主要研究領域包括影像處理與機器視覺、機電整合、生物系統模擬與分析、農業機械化與智慧農業等,已發表國內外學術期刊與會議論文四百餘篇並獲得二十餘項專利。近年於臺大開授之課程為電子計算機程式語言、影像處理原理與應用、生物系統模擬與分析等。

Research Assitants 研究助理

Kuei-Chih Lee 李桂芝

Adminstrative Manager

Hua-Ta Liang 梁化達

Research Assistant

Hao-Ping Chen 陳澔平

Research Assistant

Ph.D. Students 博士班研究生

Lin-Ya Chiu 邱麟雅

Ph.D. Student


Jing-Heng Lin 林敬恆

Ph.D. Student


Ph.D. Student

Master Students 碩士班研究生

ching-Kuang Chen 陳璟寬

Master Student

Shao-Zheng Huang 黃少政

Master Student

Jun-Yan Wang 汪軍諺

Master Student

Yih-Lin Liu 劉易霖

Master Student

Chiao-Yin Teng 鄧喬尹

Master Student

Chen-Yu Liao 廖辰宇

Master Student

Tzu Hsu 徐滋

Master Student

Po-Hsun Cheng 程柏勳

Master Student

Pei-Yu Chen 陳姵瑜

Master Student

Undergraduate Students 大學部專題生

Po-Ting Ko 柯鉑霆

Undergraduate Student

Po-Lin Chen 陳柏霖

Undergraduate Student

Kai-Chun Chang 張凱鈞

Undergraduate Student

Chia-An Lin 林嘉安

Undergraduate Student

Guan-Lin Chen 陳冠霖

Undergraduate Student

Yu-Cheng Ching 靖宇誠

Undergraduate Student

Ting-Hsuan Kuo 郭庭瑄

Undergraduate Student

Coffee 咖啡

Special Guest